Discover the magic of Eleveo's Workforce Optimisation Suite
  • Real-time insights: Dive into the heart of operations with Eleveo’s real-time analytics, guiding you through the festive productivity journey
  • Seamless scheduling: Let Eleveo’s Suite transform your task and shift scheduling into a merry dance of optimisation, ensuring your workforce operates at its holiday best
  • Performance monitoring: Effortlessly monitor individual and team performances, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, creating a culture of continuous growth
  • Adaptive forecasting: Stay ahead of the holiday game with Eleveo’s cutting-edge forecasting tools, anticipating demand and ensuring your workforce is ready for the challenges of the season

As the demand for seamless digital experiences grows, integrating your Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) solution with your contact centre is essential to maximise your operational efficiency, boost your agent productivity and keep your customers coming back time and time again.

A unified integration between Cisco Webex Contact Centre, Eleveo’s Workforce Optimisation suite (WFO), and Microsoft Teams connects the tools driving your contact centre strategy in one centralised location, enabling your agents with easier access to the calling and collaboration features they need to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Book your workforce optimisation showcase

Curious about how Eleveo’s Workforce Optimisation Suite can seamlessly integrate into your operations?

Sign up today and book a free workforce optimisation showcase before 2024. Start the new year reassured that your contact centre strategy will always remain on Santa’s nice list.