The way we work is evolving, and your people require more than just 365 licences to collaborate…
Now, more so than ever, it’s important that your teams are able to seamlessly connect to the conversations, chats, meetings, sharing tools and co-authored files they require to collaborate productively, regardless of their location. And the integrated nature of the Microsoft collaboration portfolio is fundamental to driving hybrid working models that allow for seamless collaboration and strong interpersonal relationships for your teams. However, as your organisation continues to grow, you need a partner who can guide you to innovate above and beyond your 365 or E5 licencing. That’s where Natilik comes in.
Having transformed the collaboration experiences of some of the world’s leading automotive, financial services and legal organisations, Natilik and Microsoft are forging a powerful partnership guiding teams like yours to evolve their modern workplace beyond the standard feature set of their existing Microsoft 365 deployment. Powered by Natilik’s proven services methodology to support you throughout the lifecycle of your technology, from 24/7 Tech Support to bespoke training and adoption, ensuring you recognise the most value possible from your investment.