Accelerating your response across the most prominent attack vectors including email, endpoints, network, and cloud.

With attacks becoming more sophisticated a comprehensive breach defence solution plays a crucial role in providing security teams with the ability to quickly identify, investigate and respond to security incidents to keep your intellectual property and company reputation secure. As security legislation continues to be updated and enhanced, a comprehensive breach prevention strategy is vital in ensuring you can meet your compliance requirements.

Technology Portfolio

  • XDR

    Providing comprehensive visibility into your enterprise network, a XDR approach allows for real-time monitoring and analysis of security operations and events. Leveraging AI aids fast threat detection and response, minimising any business impact and meeting compliance requirements.

  • Incident Response

    With many experts agreeing that it's not a case of if you get breached, but when, you need to ensure that you have a comprehensive incident response strategy in place to dynamically isolate attackers to protect your assets and minimise the potential impact of an attack.

  • Endpoint and Compute Protection

    Your network is made up of an ever-growing edge of endpoints and compute fabric. Using detection engines, machine learning, and more your teams can see the contextualised analysis of files at point of entry enabling them to catch known and unknown malware in real-time.

Supporting Services

  • Breach Discovery Workshop

    The Natilik team will help you understand the current gaps in your breach defence strategy and work with you to understand the art of the possible and define your ideal future state.

  • Security Operations Centre (SOC)

    SOC from Natilik enables your to give time back to your team, confident in the knowledge that your environment is being proactively monitored and any potential threats are quickly identified and remediated.

  • Backup as a Service (BUaaS)

    Looking for a complete managed service for your data protection and back up strategy? Tailored to suit your needs with flexible consumption models, feel secure in your ability to deliver BAU no matter what.

Why Choose Natilik for Breach Prevention?

Natilik will work with you to design, deploy, and develop the best end-user security tools that will protect your users, devices, data and ultimately, your business in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape. Holding the highest level of accreditation with multiple market leading vendors across the full technology stack, security is embedded into everything we do. Take the first step today and register for a Breach Prevention Discovery Workshop.


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