Meet compliance and governance obligations with full operational management of your user experiences.

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, where your teams collaborate across various platforms and devices whilst ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your sensitive information is critical. The Natilik team are on hand to guide you, combining secure insights with exceptional operational visibility of your end user experencies to ensure you can foster a culture of accountability, transparency, and resilience. Ultimately empowering your teams to collaborate confidently and securely in pursuit of your desired business outcomes.

Technology Portfolio

  • Recording and Monitoring

    Meet Dodd-Frank, PCI-DSS, FSA, GDPR and MiFiD II regulatory mandates during every interaction with your customers, whilst never compromising on conversational intelligence, risk analytics, and quality assurance.

  • Compliance Tools

    Automate the detection and identification of any comprimises to your organisations confidental information and sensitive documents, as well as your people and clients's PII and PHI, across audio, visual and text-based content.

  • Workplace Analytics

    Track how every visitor, device and sensor interacts with your workplace powered by interactive dashboards. From insights into your energy consumption, to air quality data and more, you can turn every building into a smart workspace.

  • Digital Experience Monitoring

    Gather informed insights to monitor the interactions between your users and applications, and crucially, how those insights can be used to better improve the collaborative experiences of your people, clients and stakeholders.

Why Choose Natilik for Security and Observability?

Backed by a B-Corp certification, Natilik’s experts, backed by ISO27001, have extensive experience deploying secure, compliant and manageable collaboration tools for hundreds of organisations globally.

Get started with a Security and Observability Discovery Workshop, in which the Natilik team will take the time to understand your infastructure, existing tools and the regulation that governs your sector.

Register here
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